Women-initiated Divorces

I read a blog today that described how more women are initiating divorces lately. I’m not sure if it is indeed a trend. I did, however, come across an AARP magazine article from 2004 titled, “A House Divided.” Written by Elizabeth Enright, the subtitle was “Divorce over 50 is on the rise. Women do the walking. Men don’t see it coming.” In the article, Ms. Enright reports, “In the AARP survey, 66 percent of women reported that they asked for the divorce, compared with 41 percent of men. And men more often than women were caught off-guard by their divorce (the news blind-sided 26 percent of men, compared with 14 percent of women).”

Sound familiar? That’s what happened to me (though I was 38 at the time). My ex-wife and I were having problems and had tried marital counseling for six months. We hit a significant road block, she backed out of counseling, and a few months later, she moved out. I had great hopes that we would work it out. What I didn’t realize was, she had been trying to save the marriage for many many months. I knew we had issues; doesn’t every marriage?! What I didn’t realize was how bad it was on her end. By the time things really hit the fan, she had already left the marriage emotionally and I was just getting ready to work on it.

If your marriage is heading for or already in trouble and your wife is initiating separation or divorce, I know how you feel. I’ve been there. Chances are, when you come up for air, things will be pretty cloudy. You’re in what I call The Fog of Divorce™. That’s the bad news.

What’s the good news?  >>>>>>

Just because you’re a man doesn’t mean you have to “suck it up and tough it out” all alone. No Man Left Behind: Surviving the Fog of Divorce™ is a program designed by a man specifically for men who are dealing with the uncertainty and pain of an unexpected divorce.

If you find yourself suddenly alone and looking for direction, support, help, community — call 516.216.4233 or send an email to paul@divorcecoaching4men.com for more information on this divorce coaching program for men. It might be just the tool you need to get yourself through the fog and to get you life back on track.

P.S. If you’d like a copy of the AARP article, let me know.

Hang tough.

Paul McGinniss
The Divorce Coach 4 Men

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Paul McGinniss